Wednesday, September 2, 2015

One Kent State Athletics Blog ... To Rule Them All? Too Tolkein-ish?

By David Carducci
Director of New Media
Kent State Athletics

We are all extremely excited about the start of a new athletic year here at Kent State.

One of the changes in 2015-16 will be with the blogs. We've listened to the input offered by Golden Flashes fans and decided to combine the blogs of all sports into one Kent State Athletics Blog.

I'll be checking in more often with "The PressBox" feature, offering some information on all of the Golden Flashes programs while also serving as something of a moderator for the entire site. I'll still be blogging live from all football and men's basketball games.

You'll also be able to keep up with video and more traditional blogging from our coaches and student athletes right here. The first one you will find below as soccer coach Rob Marinaro checked in with a look back at last week's 2-2 tie with Louisville and a preview of this weekend's tournament at Vermont.

We hope you'll enjoy the new format.

As always, feel free to leave your questions and comments below.

Go Flashes!

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